Call of duty cold war zombies easter egg guide
Call of duty cold war zombies easter egg guide

call of duty cold war zombies easter egg guide

While reach the Legendary tier won't necessarily grant you a Wonder Weapon, your chances of receiving it as a reward will be greatly increased. Similar to Firebase Z, players will have the ability to complete Trials by interacting with the Trials Computer's that can be found across the map.Įach Trial will set you back 500 points and players will have a total of five minutes in order to rack up enough points in order to reach the Legendary weapon tier reward. Upon completing the challenge, you will be able to open the Golden Chest, which has one of the higher success rates for dropping Wonder Weapons. However, before you can open the chest you will be prompted to complete a random challenge. If you're lucky, you might even come across a Golden Chest, which is the highest rarity Loot Chest that you can find. It's important to remember that Loot Chests come in different rarity tiers, so don't be surprised if you need to do a little bit of searching before you come across the rarer tier chests.

call of duty cold war zombies easter egg guide

If you're able to hear this noise, it will indicate that a loot chest can be found somewhere nearby. While these loot chests aren't marked on your mini-map, they can be found by listening for a jingle-like noise, followed by a childish laugh.

call of duty cold war zombies easter egg guide

These Loot Chests will normally contain everything from rare weapons, salvage, ammo, armor, and even consumables. One of the more common ways to obtain Wonder Weapons in Outbreak is to search the different maps for hidden Loot Chests that can often be found within buildings and other random locations.

Call of duty cold war zombies easter egg guide