Rhykker diablo 3 4 man dps
Rhykker diablo 3 4 man dps

rhykker diablo 3 4 man dps

The most important ones are: The Flavor of Time, Nemesis Bracers, Avarice Band, Sage’s Journey and Cain’s Destiny. The emanation system allows followers to share certain legendary and set powers with you.Similarly, Marked for Death Contagion or Valley of Death can be added for a better damage boost. On high tiers, Sentry Guardian Turret is useful for extra defense.

rhykker diablo 3 4 man dps

On higher tiers this can be swapped to Vault Rattling Roll to activate Strongarm Bracers in no-pull variants of the build (In high Greater Rift variations with Gears of Dreadlands (4 ) Bonus equipped, movement skills can be completely omitted in order to include another buff). Smoke Screen Displacement can be used for moving and survival.Bolas will be used to pull enemies together and activate Strongarm Bracers when there is no one else in the party to do it (through the effects of Leonine Bow of Hashir).Strafe Drifting Shadow when combined with Gears of Dreadlands will fire your Primary skills and allow you to get a huge Movement Speed bonus.Companion Wolf Companion gives 15% multiplicative damage bonus to the whole party.Multishot Wind Chill adds 8% Critical Hit Chance for your DPS and applies slows (for Iceblink).Entangling Shot Chain Gang - core damage amplifier through Odyssey's End.The 90% damage reduction bonus applies to them. Enforcer will be used in versions with Asheara's Vestments to keep your followers alive without an immortality relic.You can do so easily by spamming Multishot. Pain Enhancer (together with Critical Hit Chance rolls on your items) will help apply bleeds for your Trash Killer in case they use the same gem.Esoteric Alteration is a great alternative for extra defense when you have enough Cooldown Reduction already.Iceblink provides 10% increased Critical Hit Chance to the damage dealers, applied easily with Multishot Wind Chill.You gain a stack with each hit up to a maximum of 15, and all stacks are refreshed if you attack every 4 seconds. Gogok of Swiftness gives 15% Attack Speed, 15% Cooldown Reduction and up to 30% Dodge based on the amount of stacks you have.Other supports can also wear this gem because the damage buff stacks. Gem of Efficacious Toxin is a staple for each support build granting 10% additive damage ( stacks) and 10% damage reduction ( does not stack).For breaking walls to pull enemies and increase DPS

Rhykker diablo 3 4 man dps